Tag Archives: ART

Our New Artist With a Pencil, Lined Paper, and 45 minutes

Alright so we haven’t posted up on our blog in a while, but I assure you our team has been working hard on our upcoming summer release. Our newest artwork/clothing will be available shortly, but in the meantime enjoy this SEXY sketch by our new in-house artist Brandon aka Mega Fawkes (I smell an obsession). The TigerStyle team is very proud to welcome such talent as well as the ability to draw sexy women. Bonus points for using our letter logo as a neck tattoo!

Graffiti Mural by Opeum

Big ups to local talent Opeum for this gem of a mural. The color scheme is sick, the details are crisp, and it’s always great to see an artist at work. Check it out!


Photograph by Brian Day

This photograph is one of the 50 finalists of the Smithsonian annual photo contest. The other entrants can be found here.

What I love about this photo is the unending stories this photo tells. The way the shoes are set up, the broken fences and overgrown vegetation, the old run down brick buildings that border the photo. The trees and sky are lifeless, and this mysterious man dressed in the business attire of a different era, makes this photo extremely interpretative. For the photographer’s story on this photo visit here.

Shaka Creates Amazing 3D Paintings

French street artist known as Shaka has pretty much left me speechless.  More photos here.

Amazing Street Art

I couldn’t find the who the artist behind this was, but whoever did this, my hat’s off to you. What was previously a plain white wall, has been meticulously chipped away until it made this work of art!